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Care Packages

Please note, prices include hospital stay.

Care packages are available. Please inquire with us about this service and pricing.

Care packages for gender-affirming surgeries:

Concierge and liaison support Bilingual (English/Thai) professionals accompanying you/translating for you to all appointments, hospital, pre surgical appointments, and pre/post surgery medical checks/30 days
Transportation Airport pickup/airport off to and from accommodation, transportation to and from hospital for your surgery, transport to all pre-surgical testing (pre-surgery consultation with doctor, medical exams, psychiatrist, etc.), transportation to and from all follow-up visits with the doctor/30 days
Wound care/dilation support English-speaking, wound care and dilation support team provide cleaning, monitoring, and education to the patient on how to care for their neovagina for a minimum of 10 days 2x per day beginning at the day of discharge from the hospital. (Option to extend this service is available upon request)
24/7 English-speaking hospital  companion  Bilingual (English/Thai) companion remains with the patient throughout the duration of hospital stay
Pre-surgery medical check Pre-surgery medical tests include x-ray, blood panel, EKG, and covid swab
Psychologist clearance At least one Thai psychiatrist determines if the patient is psychologically prepared for SRS surgery. Please note, two psychiatrist letters are required to undergo gender affirming surgery in Thailand. Please inform us if you are unable to bring one from your home country, as we can arrange for both psychiatrist letters when you arrive.
Medical supplies Medical supplies are provided and include by are not limited to: bed pads, normal saline, betadine, mixing trays, gloves, medical cotton buds, gauze, medical tape, condoms, lubrication jelly, maxi pads

Care packages for non-gender-affirming surgeries:

Concierge and liaison support Bilingual (English/Thai) professionals accompanying you/translating for you to all appointments, hospital, pre surgical appointments, and pre/post surgery medical checks/throughout the duration of your stay
Transportation Airport pickup/airport off to and from accommodation, transportation to and from hospital for your surgery, transport to all pre-surgical testing (pre-surgery consultation with doctor, medical exams, etc.), transportation to and from all follow-up visits with the doctor during/throughout the duration of your stay
Wound care English-speaking, wound care nurses provide cleaning and monitoring of wounds for a customized amount of days, depending on the patient’s individual requirements. (Option to extend this service is available upon request)
24/7 English-speaking hospital  companion  Bilingual (English/Thai) companion remains with the patient thoughout the duration of hospital stay
Pre-surgery medical check Pre-surgery medical tests include x-ray, blood panel, EKG, and covid swab
Medical supplies Medical supplies provided include by are not limited to: bed pads, normal saline, mixing trays, gloves, medical cotton sticks, gauze, medical tape

Additional services can be added to care packages upon request. Please see Services dropdown menu to access the additional services available.

Please inquire with one of our patient advocates so we can put together a customized care package perfect for YOU.