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Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS)

Also known as gender reassignment surgery

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Sex Reassignment


Scrotal skin graft vaginoplasty is a common surgery method that is recommended for many SRS patients. A skin graft from the scrotum is used to construct the labia, urethra, vestibule, clitoris, and clitoral hood. Due to the fact that the vagina is created from existing genitalia, this technique allows for nerves to remain intact, allowing for the functionality and sensitivity of a natal vagina. srs surgery


In the penile inversion technique, skin from the outside of the penis is used for the lining of the neovagina. The clitoris is built from the sensitive skin at the tip of the penis. Finally, scrotal skin is used to construct the labia majora. This technique provides patients with a sexually functional and aesthetically pleasing neovagina with excellent sensation but without the higher risk of complications of the more invasive procedures, such as sigmoid colon vaginoplasty. However, because of the shallow depth of the neovagina, the procedure is best suited for patients who do not wish to have vaginal intercourse after surgery. mtf surgery


This technique transforms a penis and scrotal tissue into an aesthetically-pleasing and functional vagina. It is currently the most widely-chosen SRS surgery. A graft of the patient’s colon is used to create the vaginal wall and the scrotal tissue is used to create labia majora, labia minora, and vaginal opening. Because the vagina is grafted from the colon, it is self lubricating. Mtf surgery can be done either laparoscopically or with a horizontal incision.


Peritoneal Pull-Through Vaginoplasty is currently the most advanced mtf surgery. It is based on the Davydov Procedure. During the PPV surgery, the peritoneum, the moist inner lining of the abdominal wall, is pulled down between the rectum and prostate, to create the vaginal lining and vaginal reconstruction. The remainder of the vaginoplasty procedures (labiaplasty, clitoroplasty, penectomy, orchiectomy, partial urethrectomy, and other associated procedures) are created from a scrotal skin graft, similar to that of the penile inversion technique. srs surgery transgender mtf thailand


Jejunum graft vaginoplasty is a surgical technique employed in gender-affirming procedures to construct a neovagina for transgender women. In this process, a segment of the jejunum, part of the small intestine, is shaped into a functional vaginal canal. This method is particularly notable for its ability to provide a self-lubricating neovagina, enhancing overall satisfaction and functionality. Jejunum graft vaginoplasty contributes to the physical and psychological well-being of individuals undergoing gender confirmation surgery by creating a durable and anatomically precise neovaginal structure with innate lubricating capabilities.

IMPORTANT: Please note the importance of hair removal prior to surgery. This hair removal could take up to 5-7 months to be effective. The location(s) of hair removal depends on the type of SRS surgery you choose to have. The hair removal process should be completed a minimum of 2 months prior to the surgery to ensure skin strength and elasticity. Please contact someone from Amani Thailand’s Patient Advocacy Team for more detailed information regarding this hair removal process. mtf surgery

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srs surgery mtf surgery
srs surgery mtf surgery

Frontal photos of MTF SRS Results

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srs surgery mtf surgery
srs surgery mtf surgery
srs surgery mtf surgery
srs surgery mtf surgery